The Remote Show

Darren Buckner, CEO and Founder of

Episode Summary

In this episode we were fortunate enough to speak to Darren Buckner, CEO and Founder of Darren's background is an inspiring one (he was a bouncer in Vegas before teaching himself how to code). He had many lessons and stories to share that will definitely help you on your entrepreneurial or remote work journey! Please enjoy!

Episode Notes

Workfrom is a platform connecting mobile workers and spaces to work. They're capturing the world’s workable spaces online and connecting a new generation of professionals with resources needed to thrive outside an office.

With they're new Homebase feature, you can get access to a flexible co working solution that works best for you! Check it out here.

Be sure to check out WorkFrom and join their community, and follow Darren on social at @darrenbuckner

Darren's book he would force everyone to read: Essentialism, by Greg Mckgeown