Our guest on this week's show is David Peterson! We're very excited to share this conversation with the community. David is an entrepreneur and experienced manager with a long history of working remotely for a variety of technology companies large and small. His energy and passion for learning is truly inspiring! Please enjoy.
David’s first foray into remote work was working for a Joseph Liemandt company called Versata, where he was a global operations manager. David then led to a number of other managerial roles in the software space before starting his own consulting firm called The Mega Agency and software company called Hubackup. He also is a Product and Marketing Lead for OntheGoSystems, is pursuing a PHD in Global Business and is working on his own podcast.
My favourite part of the conversation was learning about David’s experience and his view that success can be achieved by jumping in, taking responsibilities for outcomes, and finding ways to be valuable. David has more energy than most, but the principles he talks about can be applied to anyone.
David’s book he recommends everyone read: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Check out David at: imdavidpeterson.com and on Twitter at @imdavidpeterson
Also check out themega.agency and www.hubackup.com